Surgeon's Trusted Retractors & Delicate Skin Hooks i.e Adson Hook, Bear Claw Retractor, Aufricht Nasal Retractor, Nasal Retractors, Skin Hooks, Converse Alar Retractor, Cottle Alar and Skin Hook, Desmarres Eye Lid Retractor, Frazier Dura and Skin Hook, Freeman Rake Retractor, Gillies Dura and Skin Hook, Joseph Skin Hook, Single Prong Hooks, ...
Surgeon's Trusted Retractors & Delicate Skin Hooks i.e Adson Hook, Bear Claw Retractor, Aufricht Nasal Retractor, Nasal Retractors, Skin Hooks, Converse Alar Retractor, Cottle Alar and Skin Hook, Desmarres Eye Lid Retractor, Frazier Dura and Skin Hook, Freeman Rake Retractor, Gillies Dura and Skin Hook, Joseph Skin Hook, Single Prong Hooks, Double Prong Hooks, Nasal Tip Retractor, Langenbeck Green Retractor, Rollet Retractors are available. All Retractors and Hooks are made up of highest grade stainless steel and guaranteed against rust or corrosion.